Saturday, June 12, 2010

Brief Catch Up

Get Him To The Greek

A somewhat sequel to Forgetting Sarah Marshall, but nearly as good. Jonah Hill is his usual self in this movie, Russell Brand is annoying and not very funny in this. The songs are not very good either, but the read standout from Puff Daddy, anytime he was on the screen, I was laughing quite loudly. Plays like a typical Apatow-esque comedy, throw in the funny in the first half, and throw in some laughs along wiht "dramatic" moments.

Overall Grade: B


I was surpised by this, judging by the preview it looks like another Species. The film is FAR from that and it more about the relationship of the animal-human hybrid and the two scientists. I must say, this is a solid sci-fi movie, well-directed and goes into a weird direction. A good way to describe this is Cronenberg meets Frankenstein.

Overall Grade: B+

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

The first entry of this trilogy is rather solid, it's a little long but there is enough going on to keep you watching this. The performances are good, the plot is nothing spectacular, but this film is done well enough to get to anticipated the next two entries of the trilogy.

Overall Grade: B+

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Catch Up

Prince Of Persia:

When I was watching this, all I could think is was how much of a dated political allegory this was. The whole story was basically an allegory towards the military not finding the WMD's in Iraq. It also seemed like Disney took over this thinking they were going to make a Pirates of the Carribean-like franchise with this one. The cast was bland and the action was dull, and as far as video game adaptations go, this was in the middle of the list.

Overall Grade: D

She's Out Of My League:

When I first saw the trailer for this, all I could think of is that this film is cashing in on the Apatow-style comedy bandwagon. Upon watching, I was surprised to find that this film seems to be more of a Farrelly Brothers movie more than an Apatow flick, even though there is elements of Apatow in this. I'll admit, I chucked at parts here and there, but the predictable romantic comedy formula ruined this film from being any funnier.

Overall Grade: C

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Film Review; Macgruber

Macgruber is the latest film to be based off an SNL skit, while it certainly isn't fit with all the terrible ones (Superstar, Night At The Roxbury, The Ladies Man, etc.), it still isn't fit with the best ones either (Wayne's World 1 and 2). It fits in the middle, and I'll have to say that it is better than the skits itself, since I'm not a fan of the skits.
The film plays off like a homage/spoof to the chessy action films of the 80's. Macgruber (Will Forte) dissapeared off the face of the earth after his wife was killed by Dieter Von Cunth (Val Kilmer). After found by the colonel (Powers Booth) and Phillip Dixon (Ryan Phillippe), they offer Macgruber to take part of an assignment involving Cunth and a nuclear missile. At first, he declines, but he eventually takes the job after some convincing.
Macgruber teams up with Dixon and Vicki St. Elmo (Kristin Wigg) in order to stop Cunth (the film is filled with 'Cunth' jokes, and it does get old fast) from obliterating America. Upon the mission, Macgruber keeps messing up for the sake of comedy, while Elmo and Dixon are picking up the pieces. That is basically the whole joke of this film.
Most of the time, I found this movie to be very stupid, but the film did have several laugh of loud moments. I wished it focused more on making fun of action cliches than it does with Macgruber messing up a mission. The film also makes a good running joke involving throat-ripping. Kilmer is also pretty good in this, but I was hoping he would have delivered a campy villian accent instead of his normal voice.
Overall, this film is a one-note joke that occasionally contains some funny moments, while the rest of the film is just insanely stupid.
Overall Grade: C+