Monday, March 1, 2010

Film Review: Shutter Island

Shutter Island is latest flick for Martin Scorsese, probably one of his most ambitious film so far in his interesting career. I was really looking forward to this since I tend to find 80's Scorsese a tad underrated, and this film reminds me of the ambitious projects he did during that period. While it isn't a bad movie, it sure isn't good up to Scorsese's standards.
The film stars Leonardo Dicaprio delivering another one of his funny accents, "federal MARshall". He plays Teddy, a federal marshall who goes to Shutter Island with his partner (Mark Ruffalo). They both are invistigating the dissapearance of mental patient Rachel Solondo. Upon arrival, things are already starting to look sketchy, as Teddy is trying to find answers, the staff is keeping a tight lip (this is the point where I already knew where this was going, I hope you do too).
During this investigation, Teddy gets "migrains" and starts having flashbacks of his dead wife and kids and memories of his time during WWII. I found all the flashback stuff very interesting, as some of the images were quite surreal.
Here's the good, the film starts off good, and Scorsese can obviously direct (questioning his direction is pretty stupid at this point).
The bad, the story is insaaaaaaaanely predictable, I predicted the ending right when the trailer came out. The story is very similar to Sam Fuller's "Shock Corridor", and the ending pretty much identical.
Overall, Shutter Island starts off good, but it's dull and predictable ending knocked it down several points.
Overall Grade: C+

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